Lexicon Legal Content | Blog

21 Jul

SEO for Law Firms: How to Rank Higher in Search Results

| David B. Arato | Blog Content Ideas, Blogging, Law Firm Content, Law Firm Content Writing, Legal Blog Writing, Legal Tech, SEO

In today’s digital age, the first place most people with legal problems go for help is a search engine such as Google or Bing. For lawyers and law firms, appearing at the top of search results can significantly increase visibility, attract potential clients, and grow the business. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool […]

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10 Jul

Creating Effective Law Firm Content: A How-To Guide

| David B. Arato | Blogging, Law Firm Content, Law Firm Content Writing

No matter what type of law you practice, the content published on your website must be accurate, informative, and engaging while adhering to ethical guidelines and SEO best practices. If this seems like a lot to balance, you’re right. However, creating effective content for your legal website will not only attract many potential clients but […]

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16 Jun

Google Update Impacts Legal Content Marketing

| David B. Arato | Blog Content Ideas, Blogging, Content Marketing, Law Firm Content Writing, Legal Blog Writing, Uncategorized

Google recently updated its Search Quality Rater Guidelines, which will likely impact your law firm’s content marketing strategies. These guidelines help raters assess page quality. The focus is now on E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness). Your law firm’s website must demonstrate these qualities in its content. In 2024, Google added “experience” to E-A-T, reacting to AI-generated […]

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24 May

SEO Services Tailored for Lawyers: A Guide

| David B. Arato | Uncategorized

Protecting a robust online presence in the digital era is essential for law firms. Search engine optimization (SEO) helps lawyers attract more clients by improving their visibility on search engines like Google. This guide will explain law firm SEO, how it works, and why is is crucial for your law practice. SEO entails optimizing a […]

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17 May

Mastering Law Firm Content Writing: A Guide to Crafting Engaging Legal Content

| David B. Arato | Uncategorized

In the competitive world of marketing legal services, content writing plays a pivotal role in drawing in clients and establishing a firm’s authority. Below, we’ll guide delve into law firm content marketing techniques, offering insights and strategies to create impactful content that resonates with your audience. The Importance of Law Firm Content Writing Content writing […]

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12 Apr

Why Law Firm Content Marketers Should Have a Legal Background

| David B. Arato | Advertising Ethics, Blogging, Law Firm Content Writing, Legal Blog Writing

When it comes to choosing a content marketing agency, you have lots of options. That said, if you are a lawyer or a digital marketing agency with legal clients, you should be working with a specialized legal content marketing agency, preferably with attorney leadership. Here are a few of the reasons why. An Understanding of […]

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7 Mar

What is Google’s Position on AI Content?

| David B. Arato | AI Content, Blogging, ChatGPT, Legal Blog Writing

1. Google Doesn’t Care How Content is Produced Google has made it clear that using AI in the content creation process is not against its policies. In its guidance about AI-generated content, it says that the “Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines.”  Let’s consider these other statements in the guidance: […]

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6 Mar

Google Announces Changes to Search: What Legal Content Marketers Need to Know

| David B. Arato | AI Content, Blogging, ChatGPT, Google Update, SEO

On March 5th, Google announced changes to its policies and systems in an effort to fight attempts to game their results with low-quality content. The announcement is almost certainly in response to the rise of spammy AI-generated content and reports that the quality of search results were degrading.  The announcement detailed two specific changes: Google […]

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9 Feb

California Bar Issues Guidance for Lawyers Using AI

| David B. Arato | Advertising Ethics, AI Content, Blogging, Rules of Professional Conduct

Generative AI, such as Open AI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini (previously called “Bard”), are capable of performing tasks that were once thought solely to be in the province of human ability. It can analyze and categorize data and even create human-sounding content in the form of text. As such, generative AI has clear applications in […]

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13 Sep

How Creating Content Can Help Law Firms Connect with Clients 

| David B. Arato | Blog Content Ideas, Blogging, Branding, Content Marketing, Law Firm Content Writing

If you’ve researched how to market a law firm (or any business, for that matter) online, you have undoubtedly come across advice telling you to create and post more content. When I first got into this business more than a decade ago and was told that a website “needed content,” I assumed they meant images […]

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